Lisk Info Bot 1.0 for Telegram is big supporter of Lisk, and we heard our community that they hope to have a tool to monitor their Lisk ID. Here is our solution, we proudly present, the telegram bot for Lisk by our team.
Private message “@lisk_info_bot” to begin conversation to our bot
press “/start” to get access to the list of command of our bot
Begin by entering your Lisk ID to gain access to other functions. Press “/save_wallet_id” and enter your Lisk ID
After inserting your Lisk ID, you can now select and check your account information, 5 recent transactions history, recent 3 months voting shares, and your balance of wallet by dates from the past 3 months.
You can save up to max 10 Lisk ID on our bot, if you have unwanted ones you can delete the Lisk ID simply via “/delete_wallet_id”. Having the Lisk ID saved, you no longer have to copy and paste your Lisk ID everytime you want to have a look on your balance or your voting shares.
A big shout out to our tech team James and Kelvin for their hard work on providing an all-in-one quick access bot for Lisk to facilitate every Lisk lover around the globe.
We are working on more features to add to the bot. Please let us know what do you think about the Lisk info bot 1.0 and feel free to tell us your ideas!