Connect better with our community

, is always about the blockchain community, we value your comments and do our best to meet the demand and supports to build a stronger ecosystem. From the past events, we have heard and realize a common problem within different communities, that is the imperfect flow of information. Telegram News Channel
Telegram group serves as a good backbone for quick response interaction between our community members and a good medium to share various information. But this also creates overwhelming messages with personal opinions, which might be difficult for some community members to follow. Hence we are launching our News announcement channel – News Channel. The main objective of this channel is to provide up-to-date information of, from our community organized events to credible blockchain news. You may get updates from us with a few tabs and scrolls on the phone.

Please join us in the News Channel:

Local Blockchain Event Calendar
It is great to see lots of event happening in Hong Kong and our community is always interested in attending different blockchain related events to build the ecosystem together. In response, we are launching a blockchain event calendar, summarizing upcoming events in Hong Kong. Hope that the blockchain event calendar could facilitating you to participate local blockchain events.

Please find the event calendar at:

There are many high quality blockchain contents around the community and we would like to support these content creators to provide informative and useful contents for you. Here we created Up-Voice, a platform for content creators to share their content to you.

Please visit for Up-Voice contents.

Do let us know what you think about our new implements!