Telegram Lisk Tip Bot Beta is always a big supporter of Lisk, and we always pay attention to what the community wants.

We saw this a while back and it has been always on our mind

Today, we are proud to present the Lisk Tip Bot for Telegram. This bot is developed by one of our active community members @itdog, who has been continuously providing various technical support for our community. We believe the Lisk Tip Bot on Telegram would be beneficial to the whole Lisk community, so we engaged in supporting and donating for this project in hope to bring synergistic effect to the Lisk community starting from us.

The Lisk Tip Bot on Telegram aims to enhance community unity and promote constructive discussions, which are povital elements to develop a healthy community. With the Lisk Tip Bot, you can tip anyone within the Telegram group as gratitude, or be generous and give out desired amount to current active users or by random. All “Lsk” being transferred will be just on book, that the 0.1 Lsk transaction fee will only incur upon withdrawal of Lisk balance.

Join us in right now for the beta test, and let us know if you like it or not. Stay tuned and follow us for more updates.