Lisk 應用鏈八月份開發狀況

於剛過去的八月,應用鏈 (Lisk) 作出了以下更新: 應用鏈側鏈開發套件 (Lisk SDK): 應用鏈 (Lisk) 開發團隊推出了 Lisk 側鏈開發套件 (SDK) 2.3.0 版本以及以此為基礎的修補程式 (2.3.1及2.3.2)。這次更新主要引入了部分網狀網絡(Partial…


萊特幣於社區發布即將推出與 Bibox 和 Ternio 合作開發的 BlockCard。萊特幣承諾對其加密 BlockCard 進行更新,以便用家輕鬆使用 LTC。 早於今年 6 月中旬,萊特幣基金會宣傳與加密市場的其他兩個參與者合作…

Interview from Lisk Magazine

A big shout out to Lisk Magazine, thank you for the recent interview, hope we can take this opportunity to let anyone who are not familiar with us,, to understand more about us, what we achieved and our future plans. For details of the…


萊特幣於在 2011 年 10 月 7 日根據 MIT / X11 許可證發布的開源軟件項目,一直以來被外界喻為數字銀(比特幣為數字黃金),技術上與比特幣幾乎完全相同,萊特幣對比大多數主要的加密貨幣都有一些改進包括採用隔離證人和閃電網絡。這些有效地允許網絡處理更大量的交易量,減少潛在的瓶頸限制。 類似比特幣的發行機制,區塊採礦獎勵減半是一種通常定期發生的事件,大致是四年一次。礦工開采萊特幣的區塊採礦獎勵將由每塊…


一年一度的全球性區塊鏈遊戲生態大會剛剛於8月2號在上海舉行,今年活動見證了區塊鏈遊戲的急速發展。有別以往”一枝獨秀”的 Crypto Kitties 發展到今天各種不同玩法,不同公鏈上的遊戲作品,可謂區塊鏈遊戲生態百花齊放的開始。市場發展吸引到更多的廠商研究區塊鏈遊戲及其”落地應用”的可行性。   Cocos-BCX… May Regular Meetup

Many of our community members have been longing for meetup with local / international exchanges, and we are happy to have CoinFLEX with us in organizing our regular monthly meetup at WeWork tonight. It was a great night with Natalie and Mark…

Crypto Market rebounds by IEO?

Our advisor: Manson Kwok was invited to a public sharing session on IEO, held by Bitwork and Genesis Block on 25th April. There were different sharing session around IEO from the perspective of community, traders and exchanges. Manson shared…

應用鏈新 Monorepo 架構及 Lisk SDK 簡訊

為了準備發布應用鏈(Lisk)的 Alpha SDK,應用鏈的 Github 儲存庫已合併為「Monorepo 架構」,Monorepo 架構將容許更快的軟件開發流程,令基本的開發工具得以被各應用鏈開發者之可存取性,安裝及使用。 同時應用鏈將現有的…

HK Polkadot Meetup and community gathering

Co-founder of Ethereum, President of Web3 Foundation, Gavin Wood and the director of Web3 foundation, Ryan Zurrer are in Hong Kong tonight to talk about the recent development of Polkadot. It was an informative evening with Gavin explaining…

Lisk Meetup with CEO Max Kordek in HKU

, co-host the seminar on Decentralized Application and Sidechain with HKU Blockchain Club at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) on 15/3, as part of Asia Crypto Week and Token2049 official side events. It was exciting to see more than…