9up.io March Event : Decentralized Application in One Ecosystem

Decentralized Application and Sidechain technologies are major areas in blockchain research and development. Successful deployment of a decentralized application with sidechain technologies will bring blockchain into everyday life. 9up.io is…

《人與區塊鏈 #3》:區塊鏈可以驅散慈善事業的陰霾

在慈善領域有各種各樣的痛點。在全球範圍內,非牟利機構時不時地陷入濫用資金、效率低下和誤導性開支的醜聞中,被不合理利用的資金可達 2 萬億美元。顯然,我們現在急需解決方案,而分佈式賬本其中一個選項。

Human & Blockchain #3: Blockchain Can Sweep The Dust Off Philanthropy

There are various pain points prevailing in the philanthropic field. Worth an estimated $2 trillion value around the world, the nonprofit institutions have been drawn into some notorious headlines from time to time, such as…

Connect better with our community

9up.io is always about the blockchain community, we value your comments and do our best to meet the demand and supports to build a stronger ecosystem. From the past events, we have heard and realize a common problem within different communities,…

HKU Blockchain Career Sharing Session

HKU will be hosting a Blockchain Career Sharing Session on 24-Jan, 2019. The Speaker is Ben El-Baz, the Chief Strategy Officer for HashKey Pro. The event is aimed to help participants to build their understanding to blockchain. Bringing the…

9up.io Blockchain Seminar Series

9up.io is kicking off 2019 with Coinnewshk and the City University of Hong Kong Computer Science Society — DIETCODE on a new blockchain seminar series. We are excited to invite Kin Ko, the founder of Likecoin Foundation to provide an introductory…

Binance SAFU Pre-Hackathon – Hong Kong

Security is always an important issue in blockchain world. A highly secured platform can keep hackers away and ensure smooth operation. Binance, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, will organize the ‘Binance SAFU Pre-Hackathon’, leading…

Telegram Lisk Tip Bot Beta

9up.io is always a big supporter of Lisk, and we always pay attention to what the community wants. We saw this a while back and it has been always on our mind https://www.reddit.com/r/Lisk/comments/725y69/lisk_tip_bot_possible_anyone_working_on_one/ Today,…

Highlights of 9up.io regular meetup – December

9up.io is dedicated in bringing blockchain projects to various audiences to promote the daily application of the technologies. We are excited to have over 60 participants joining us tonight for our 9up.io regular meetup – December. We are…

Lisk Info Bot 1.0 for Telegram

9up.io is big supporter of Lisk, and we heard our community that they hope to have a tool to monitor their Lisk ID. Here is our solution, we proudly present, the telegram bot for Lisk by our team. Private message “@lisk_info_bot” to begin…